Dr. Stephanie Carter Kelley

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'Tis the Season to be Busy

Keeping busy may be the greatest barrier to health. We keep our minds busy with work, music, TV, reading, etc. We feel the need to be entertained. In keeping busy we lose the ability to feel fear, disappointment, sadness, grief, and even happiness and joy! When we don't allow ourselves to feel, then those emotions keep growing inside our consciousness. Then these stored emotions begin to erode our health. One way is by affecting the quality of sleep.  During sleep, our consciousness drifts beyond our control into unconsciousness but we "wake up" to avoid "feeling" and get busy again. Busy mostly with thoughts and a racing mind that continues to prevent us from feeling.  Then the stored emotions begin erode the physical body with aches and pains.

So take time this holiday season to really feel!  Feel the Joy and Love of Friends and Family!  Also take time to feel the sadness of loss for those that are not with us.  I know that I will be feeling that this Holiday season.  This will be the first Christmas without my Mom.  But the twinge of sadness is a reminder of all the things that I loved about her.  Quickly my sadness turns into a giggle as I remember something funny that she did or said.  If I pushed away the sadness and got busy doing something else, then I couldn’t also experience the happiness of her memory.

Join me for any class in December as I take a little extra time to sit still and really feel using all the senses: touch, smell, taste and sight.  I will have gifts for those that register for class online at beYoga and Wellness for Gentle Yoga on Wednesday and Spine Health on Thursday starting November 30th.  I hope to see you on the mat.

