Why Yoga for Back Pain?

I want to share my approach to teaching yoga for spine health.  I have been studying and teaching about treatment of the spine as a physical therapist and educator for many years.  Early in my career I felt a special affinity for treating those with back pain and neck pain.  From those many years, I have developed educated assumptions to develop the classes and guide you through a spine safe yoga class.

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I Feel Your Pain

We have all heard people say this, both to physical and emotional painful events.  Said the right way, it is an expression of empathy toward the person experiencing pain.  Most of us probably think that actually feeling their pain is not possible.  You may think that you have to be the one injured in order to actually feel the pain.  I thought so too, until just today.

I follow a pain research group out of Australia: Body in Mind.  The researchers blog about results from their studies and others about acute and chronic pain.  Today I was reading a case study and saw the term "motor empathy".  I have heard of the term empathy, but never in relationship to movement.  So I did some research and found another term "mirror pain" and "vicarious pain".  Both of these terms suggest that getting hurt or sustaining injury is not a requirement to feel pain.

"But how is this possible? The important thing to remember here is that pain is just an experience. It is the end result of a long line of sensory, emotional, cognitive and motivational processes. So we don’t always need to get hurt to experience pain!" - Bernadette Fitzgibbon

Research tested this phenomenon many ways, but mainly by looking at activity in the brain while observing a pain inducing activity.  The brain activity while watching someone get hurt is the same as getting hurt, but only for some people ~ 25%.

In other studies, researchers find the reverse to also be true, i.e. pain inhibition can also be triggered by watching someone get hurt.  The normal response to mitigate pain due to injury, occurs when you watch someone get hurt.  However, this happens when you observe with empathy (that word again).  What is the definition of empathy?  Empathy is taking the perspective of another person and responding in a way that the person would expect.  Researchers compared watching a loved one vs. a stranger experience pain, and the pain inhibition response was greater while watching a loved one.  Because we show greater empathy for someone we love, the pain inhibition was greater.

To follow this research, responding with empathy when someone is hurt can lessen the pain response.  The researchers studied spouses, manipulated the empathetic response of the observing spouse while the other was experiencing pain (hand in cold water), and found this to be true.

I find this line of research amazing!  To me it is further evidence that pain is not just about our muscles, joints, and posture.  Though I still believe and take these factors into consideration, the brain has more power over our pain experiences that sitting too long.

This research also explains how I was taking my patients' pain home with me.  For example, if I treated someone with a headache, I might go home with a headache.  I guess it was proof of providing empathy during patient care!

So instead of just responding with "I feel your pain", an empathetic and therefore, helpful response would be, "How can I help?"


Taking Care While Going into Extension

Going into Extension Range of Motion of the Spine and Hips doesn't always feel good!  And there are reasons for that.  Most are due to the aging process of the spine and probably what you've done through your life to progress that aging process.  In another Blog, "Educated Assumptions for Teaching Yoga for Spine Health", I talk about the normal aging process of the spine and how I create yoga programs and cue to the general population of folks that attend my classes.  The position that I am most cautious about is extension because I respect the aging spine.  However, I also think that it is the most important position and a motion we are losing due to our epidemic of sitting.  As we age, we are stiffer and these postures are going to lead to permanent change unless we address it NOW.

In trying to describe precautions while going into extension, I will use my own spine.  I have degenerative changes between L5 and the top of the sacrum (aka S1).  This means that I have worn down the disc at that level and I have less height between L5 and S1.  Less height means that I don't extend as much as I used to at that level.  Here are a few pictures to show you what I mean:

Lumbar vertebrae and Sacrum with equal space between each level

Lumbar vertebrae and Sacrum with equal space between each level

Degernative Disc Disease

Degernative Disc Disease

As I move into extension, that L5/S1 level comes to end range quicker and I feel a twinge of pain.  Does that mean I should never go into extension?  Let me say a resounding HELL NO!!!  All the more reason to learn how to go into extension so that this level does not keep degenerating.

What it means is that I need to get my extension from other areas.  In fact, I think the reason that L5/S1 broke down in the first place is because my years of sitting (thank you PhD and academic life!) stiffened my hips and thoracic spine, i.e. the areas above and below L5/S1.

This follows with the concept of regional interdependence.  The body is going to move, and it is going to get that movement from where ever it can.  If the thoracic spine is tight, then the lumbar spine needs to move more.  If the hips are tight then the sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine must move more.

Pain in that area is my warning sign that I am at end of range for that level.  I need to protect that area with a little flexion provided by my lower abdominal muscles and gluteal muscles, while extending in my hips and thoracic spine.  It takes concentration and muscular control to achieve this.  That is why I give the following cues in standing poses like Warrior 2, Triangle and Side Angle:  "draw the tailbone down", "tighten your bottom", and "draw the lower belly up and in".  All of these instructions are to create a little flexion in the lower lumbar region.  I also instruct to NOT over-correct to flatten out the entire low back.  You want to keep the natural lordosis of the low back if that is comfortable.

For some the excessive amount of extension  in the low back demonstrated here would create pain during Warrior 2

For some the excessive amount of extension  in the low back demonstrated here would create pain during Warrior 2

I use similar cues to create hip extension while maintaining a "neutral" position of the low back.  Most people are so tight in the front of the hip, that any pose with hip extension like Warrior 1, Low Lunge, and most poses on the stomach immediately create excessive low back extension.

The goal of these poses is first to NOT feel pain in the low back, feel EFFORT (not strain) in the lower abdominals, gluteus maximus and deep gluteal muscles, and to also feel a GENTLE stretch in the hip flexors and thoracic spine.  Don't push into any pose and PLEASE ask for modifications when you feel pain.

I hope this eases some of that tension in your low back and keeps you moving!  Let me know how it goes.

