How your Aging Spine is Like an Oreo Cookie
We see how our bodies are changing when we look in the mirror. You know what I mean…yes, those wrinkles are evidence that we are aging…normally.
Our spines are no different, we just don’t see how time and stress is affecting our joints and discs every day because we can’t see them…until…
…one day, you wake up with back pain and your doctor sends you for an X-Ray. With that picture (or an MRI which is an even better picture) you can see the changes. You now have visual evidence on the INSIDE that you are AGING…NORMALLY!
The X-Ray or MRI shows your wrinkles on the inside.
But we call those wrinkles degenerative discs and joints and these normal age-related changes are treated like a disease.
Your wrinkles don’t hurt, what if you changed how you approach your wrinkles on the inside?
What if you accepted these changes and thought of yourself as normal rather than broken?
Education in this video can help you think and believe differently about the changes in your spine.
Degenerative Discs and Joints are NOT a Disease, they are normal changes due to age. In this video, I explain (WITH OREO COOKIES) what this looks like and why it is not something to FEAR.
These aging changes are not something to FEAR and they don’t need to be painful!
These changes do mean that you have to take care of your spine and there are many ways to do that:
regular aerobic exercise like walking or swimming
frequent mobility practice to use your range of motion or eventually lose it
strength training for support of your muscles and joints
stress reduction to stop your brain from creating pain
If this video gets you HUNGRY for more ways to HEAL YOUR BACK (see my pun there!), email me at or learn more about my DIY program blending Physical Therapy and Yoga.