Progressing Strength of the Legs and Resiliency of the Body

Strength is resiliency for the body! When you are strong, you can get pulled off balance and recover. If you are weak, chances are you will get injured. And as we age, we lose muscle mass and strength each passing year. Leg strength provides "shock-absorption" for the back and spine.

Strength training the big muscles of the legs also helps your brain by releasing brain-derived growth hormones. So it is not only good for your legs, but good for your mind too! You MUST prioritize strength in your exercise program.

In this video, I share 3 ways to progress your strength training program for the lower body. Each week we do this very exercise in my yoga class as a Tabata set, which is a high intensity interval set of 20 seconds effort and then 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times. So we do 4 minutes of squats each week and I encourage my students to repeat the set at home in between classes.

Does STRESS affect your PAIN? Copy and Paste the link below to Take the Quiz and Find Out!

I created "Mind Your Spine" to help you learn to pay attention to what your body is telling you. As a Physical Therapist that uses Yoga as the primary treatment, I know that the body has great wisdom. But how can you tell what your body is telling you? Watch these videos and as you learn to listen carefully, you will unlock the potential, not only to live without pain, but to live the life you were meant to live.




Facebook @yogaphysicaltherapist

IG @sck.yogapt


Mind You Spine with Backward Bending

Because many of you sit all day and have been doing so for many years, you have lost the ability to comfortably bend backward. Your mid- and upper back is rounded and stiff and your hips are stuck in flexion (the position of sitting). You also wear your rounded posture like a protective shell to protect our hearts from the barrage of negativity and hurt all around us. You stiffen in the hips because energetically, that is where you store suppressed emotions. Men are afraid to show emotions for fear of being labeled "weak". Women are afraid to show emotions for fear of being labeled "dramatic" or "bitchy". All of this posturing and suppressing is making you SICK! In this video you will learn how to physically open the front of the body to improve both your upright posture and backward bending of the spine. You can practice these exercises everyday. Your spine was meant to move this way. It's NATURAL! You can use this motion to also feel how it is to live your NATURAL emotional self. Slowly practice connecting to your emotions. Feel how your posture shifts when you are around negativity. Notice your discomfort when you stifle an emotional reaction. With practice and time, you will learn to posture yourself in situations and around others to open WHOLLY and with compassion.



P.S. Does stress affect your Pain? Take the Quiz and Find Out!