My personal journey to health and healing addresses, not only the environment inside my physical body, but the environment outside of my body. Each day we are surrounded by chemicals, many of which have an unknown effect on our health. So why not try to create the “cleanest” environment possible with diet, exercise, sleep, and Natural Cleaning Products. I thought that I would share a little of how I create a healthy and healing outside environment.
While I was pregnant with my first child, I became more sensitive to the chemicals in cleaning products and especially the odors. Specifically, one day as I was cleaning my shower with a chlorine-based cleanser, I was overcome by the harsh smell and essentially “evacuated” the area. And I thought to myself, “should I need to evacuate just to clean my bathroom”? Soon after that, I was introduced to Melaleuca, a wellness company committed to using natural products for cleaning our bodies and our homes. Being the forever researcher, I studied their materials and products thoroughly. With my husband’s history of asthma and allergies, combined with the desire to use gentle products around a new baby, I started a relationship with Melaleuca, The Wellness Company.
That was 13 years ago and I have only increased my use of their products over the years. Each month I meet my product commitment easily with bath soap; body lotion; shampoo and conditioner; laundry soap, whitener, and stain remover; dish washing soap, both liquid and for the dishwasher; cosmetics; and ALL household cleaning products. I not only feel safer using their products, I help the environment too. Many products come in 2X, 6X, or even 12X concentration levels, along with reusable bottles so that we decrease the amount of plastic we use. You can check out their “environment” page to learn more.
Under my kitchen sink.
Recently I’ve been listening to other ways to improve my health using a Functional Medicine approach. I listen to a few podcasts on my way to work: Mark Hyman’s Farmacy and Broken Brain podcasts are a couple of my favorites. After hearing a guest dentist recommend fluoride-free toothpaste because fluoride is a known neurotoxin, I switched to the Melaleuca toothpaste. Since pain messages travel along nerves, I figured it couldn’t hurt. Besides, we already have fluoride in our water supply, do we need it in our toothpaste too? While the Melaleuca toothpaste is an acquired taste, I ‘m pretty sure that it has helped take the edge off of my chronic pain.
I also try to take Melaleuca dietary supplements on a regular basis. I must admit that I’m not very good about taking supplements, but I can really tell the difference when I am consistent with the Melaleuca Peak Performance pack. (I definitely see a difference in my menopause symptoms when I take EstrAval!) Again, the research on their supplements has convinced me that nutrients are being absorbed (sometimes a problem with over-the-counter supplements) and have a positive effect. The company hired outside research firms to do 2 studies: Freiberg and Sterling; to look at the effects of their supplements. While these studies are not controlled (hopefully the next step), they do produce results that support marketing claims. How many companies do that?
My bathroom counter
Besides the physical benefits, using Melaleuca products gives me peace of mind: healthy products, healthy environment, and healthy finances (because they don’t cost any more than store purchases).
If you are interested in learning more about Melaleuca or purchasing the products, feel free to contact me:
I hesitated in sharing this information with you as I’ve never been interested in sales. But I rely on the recommendations of family and friends. And HEALTH is more than managing illness, taking your medications, eating right and exercising more. It is about feeling good even when you shop. Melaleuca’s mission is “to enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals” . If your goal is to create a healthy environment, I encourage you to give them a try.